Doing our part: CrowdGame Trivially is FREE for the next week

It’s nearly the end of the summer here in Seattle, and presumably everywhere else in the Northern Hemisphere*. That means stress for kids and parents alike as the realization sets in that school is just around the corner, or because kids and parents alike have run out of ideas for keeping out of each other’s hair.

We think that this is where CrowdGame Trivially can come to the rescue… what could be more fun than 2 or 6 kids giggling their way through a couple dozen Science or History questions? And you’ll practically be able to see their heads getting bigger as they learn stuff that they should have already learned in school but didn’t, or have forgotten since June.

To help everyone get through this tedious end-of-summer situation, we’ve reduced the price of CrowdGame Trivially to FREE/NADA/ZILCH for the next week. We think that by reducing the per-question price to an infinitely small amount (since you can’t divide by zero, unless you practice more than we’re willing to), we hope to not only do our part to get kids’ brains working again by September, but also to help kickstart the moribund economy we find ourselves in. How can infinitely-low priced trivia help with the economy, you might ask? Well, we’ve noticed that when adults play this game, they like to drink beer. What happens next is simple math that ends up with big positive numbers for the economy.

Give it a try, pass the word along. And, as alluded to above, CrowdGame Trivially isn’t just for kids. Every adult I know could use some trivia right about now.

*PS: For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere… we haven’t forgotten you. We’ll mark the end of your summer just as faithfully. In the meantime, feel free to try our Trivially now anyway.